Creating a Transferable Workforce

Skills Passports are becoming an increasingly popular way of assessing skills digitally. Axia have developed several passports for multiple organisations and professional bodies, including six for various courses provided by NHS England.

Our passports allow staff to demonstrate their core skills easily and effectively against a standardised framework. They can then share this information quickly with fellow professionals across their organisation. This enables staff to move across locations without the need for lengthy skills checking and assessment procedures, saving both time and money for employers and organisations.

Benefits of Skills Passports:

  • Fully mobile enabled
  • Fully reflecting the content of the existing assessment for a credential
  • Can be delivered quickly if required, using a tried and tested technical architecture
  • Highly intuitive and user-friendly, requiring no training to use
  • Contributing to workforce planning by enabling individuals to demonstrate and assess their skills
  • Can be presented in different languages

Skills Passports for Healthcare Workers

We initially developed our digital passports in response to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. At the request of The Imperial College Health Care Trust, our team produced the Critical Care Passport. The passport was developed in record time and allowed medical staff to move more easily across London’s Intensive Care Units.

The use of Skills Passports removes the need for skills checking upon arrival at a new location, saving a significant number of hours and allowing more time for practical work.

our customers

28 years of experience

Fully flexible systems

1.3m Users worldwide

A Cost-Effective Solution to Skill Assessment

Our digital passports offer a quick and cost-effective solution for skill assessment within organisations. We collaborate closely with each customer to produce customised passports to meet specific needs in terms of content and functionality.

If you’d like to find out more about our skills passports and how they could work for you, contact us today using the form below.

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