The number of pre-qualification Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health and Care Professional courses we are supporting, through providing an e-portfolio, is increasing both in the range of professions and the numbers of each of the sites.
We started at the Universities of Southampton and Bournemouth supporting all branches of nursing courses and midwifery and now this has been expanded to include Occupational Therapists; Physiotherapists; Podiatrists and Social Workers. To these have now been added at the University of Surrey Paramedics for whom we have developed some new functionality.
Paramedics and their supervisors, often find themselves adding content to the portfolio together in the back of an ambulance. We have created the ability for them to use the same device, with the screen being switched from the student to the practice educator’s view with the use of a PIN.
All these courses mean more and more users and there are now more than 15,000 students, practice educators and tutors using these sites.